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Hearts Celebration



Every year, the ministry has always been celebrating the Hearts celebration for us to remind, especially the young generation on God's true perspective of love and relationships and what does really the bible say about purity. There were encouraging testimonies on how God orchestrates love stories to His people and the main purpose to glorify God in each and every relationships.

Acquaintance Celebration



Acquaintance celebration is one of the event that we are looking forward as school year opens. This happens every July or August wherein the students in every ministries as well as professionals are gathered together and to have fellowship with one another. Most importantly, this is where the leaders of the campuses take oath or pledge in front of witnesses to that being a campus leaders means they have a mission to fulfill for God's expansion of His kingdom and for His glory.

Discipleship Training



We are called to make disciples. To become an effective discipler, leaders in the ministry were trained to become more effective discipleship making. Teaching them the skills and strategies to be able to reach out the lost and train them also to become disciple makers.

Leaders Retreat



"Retreat", as what the dictionary says, it is a "quiet time: a period of quiet rest and contemplation in a secluded place". A year is not complete without this important activity. This is where the time the leaders would go to a secluded place to have a quiet time with God. During this activity, the leaders were trained as well to become more servant leaders and more Christ like and to have more passion reaching out this generation

Junior and Senior Leaders Training


Every Saturday, the junior and senior leaders of the organization are conducting leadership training to become more godly leaders and equip them for the expansion of His kingdom. There were different sessions and different topics tackled such as Worship, Intersession, Intimacy with God and Discipleship. This is a three to four hours session participated with approximately 10-15 leaders every session.

Crown Adventure


The AICM Crown Adventure designed and organized to strengthen and develop the physical, emotional, mental and social aspects of each members and participants of the said activity. This is mainly participated by the students from different ministries.  

Christmas Celebration


Celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is an important and never to missed activity of the organization. Yes!, fun, food, gifts and fellowships are there but the most important is that He is the reason for this season. 

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