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The vision started 10 years ago when I opened the Bible. The Lord showed me two verses in Matthew 9:37-38 that says "The harvest are plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field." Since that time, I kept in my heart and the Lord reminded me year 2004 to fulfill the vision He has given me. I started to share my vision to my friend and to my spiritual leaders. They are willing to support me because we have the same vision. When the Lord brought me back here in the Philippines, after I served with Youth w/ a Mission USA for seven years, I started to share my vision to my old friends who loved the Lord; I told them I want to see Filipinos to reach out Asia and the world for Christ. They said we have the same vision. God is bringing us together to see the great commission fulfilled. We truly believe that God will fulfill this vision as we continue to trust in Him.                --- Kristine Villaluz-Jarnskor

Word from the Head founder 



Word from the Co-founder

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